6 Easy Steps on How to Write CV for Your University Application

4 min readSep 11, 2021


Being given the opportunity to study abroad is definitely such a fulfilling thing for students who want to enrich their educational background and experience the foreign culture. Not only giving you the best life experience ever for being able to study alongside a diverse range of people, studying abroad will certainly guarantee you to acquire a great career path. The outcome from studying abroad is lost to count for. Therefore, it’s highly suggested that you should start to complete the requirements needed for your application to universities outside your country, starting from your transcript, motivation letter, toefl or ielts score and lastly, your Curriculum Vitae. Not many people understand how important a nicely written Curriculum Vitae, or mostly called a CV for your university application.

CV itself is a record of all your accomplishments presented on a page or two where you’re obliged to be not modest about all of your awards and accomplishments during all of your years of pursuing education. But to keep it in mind, writing a CV needs to put a lot of attention to detail. So, have you written your CV to fulfil the requirements needed for your university application? Or maybe you still have zero idea on how and what to put in your CV? Fret not, this article will give you some heads-up on how to write a concrete and perfect CV that will lead you to your dream university.

1. Make sure your personal information are correct

The first section that you must include in your CV is your personal details. This may seem very easy to do, but make sure that you put all of your basic information such as your name as mentioned in your passport, your mobile phone number, current address and lastly your email address. It is highly suggested that you put a lot of attention to this section and make sure there’s no mistake at all.

2. No need to be modest with your academic profile

Your academic section is where you put all your educational background. This is the place where you are obliged to brag about your school life, the achievements you managed to obtain during school and all small details that you think may strengthen your application. Showcase your primary subjects of your interest and how good you are at studies. You can also highlight your specific class ranking or general percentage, such as ‘graduated in the top 5% of the class’. Be free to brag regarding your academic background.

3. Elaborate your employment history

If you have any work experience that is relevant, you may want to put quite a space in your CV to explain about the responsibilities and accomplishments that you had. Make sure to put the company that you worked for and the position that you were assigned to alongside with the duration of your employment. You may want to take note of how you describe your job description. Make sure to eliminate the first-pronouns from your CV (‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, etc.) and just get on with the past tense, so the tenses are shorter but still delivered perfectly.

4. Add your extracurricular activities

Having a section for extracurricular activities as an addition in your CV helps to portray you as a person who is not one-dimensional but full of diverse background. This section in your CV will show that you have other interests in life outside of school and work. You can mention some of the things that you learn outside academic study such as; dance activity, photography, sports, etc. Don’t hesitate to pour all of your activities outside school into this section because the more you have, the more you show that you’re an active person and creative individual.

5. Have your hobbies and interests as additions

You don’t have to worry if your hobbies and interests are not aligned with the subject of your interest in your dream university. But it is suggested that you need to highlight the hobbies and interests that are indirectly related to your intended degree program first, the rest can follow after that.

6. Lastly, pay attention to details

Once you’re done listing all of the required things needed to be put in your CV, don’t forget to proofread from the very first section until the last word and make sure that there are no information mistakes nor grammar errors, because even the smallest mistake can stand out in a CV that is written within one page.

The mentioned points above are meant to help you to build your CV for your top university application. Your CV should be a brief introduction about you, so be sure to make it memorable but still easy to be scanned. It is highly forbidden for you to make information up in your CV, just be yourself and be confident with what you possess.




Written by jesuisdinar

22. A venturesome Gemini. Mostly writing about fashion and beauty based on my personal know-how.

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